Go with your flow: A Holistic Guide to Connecting with Your Menstrual Cycle

Go with your flow: A Holistic Guide to Connecting with Your Menstrual Cycle

For many of us, our menstrual cycle has long been misunderstood, undervalued and dare I say used to make us feel dirty and ashamed?

It’s time to shift the narrative from shame to understanding and hopefully to celebration and embrace the natural rhythms of our bodies. In my opinion, it begins by understanding the everchanging phases of our cycle and how we can align with our body’s needs and tap into its incredible potential.

Let’s explore how to connect with your cycle and cultivate balance through holistic wellness practices.

Understanding Your Inner Seasons

An artistic representation of the menstrual cycle’s phases as seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

The metaphor that has helped me the most is viewing how our menstrual cycle can be likened to the changing seasons, where each phase bringing unique energy and insights:

  • ❄️ Inner Winter (Menstrual Phase): A time for rest and renewal as your body sheds its uterine lining. Honor this phase with gentle self-care and quiet reflection.
  • 🐣 Inner Spring (Follicular Phase): As your energy begins to rise, this is your moment to plan, create, and embrace new beginnings.
  • 🌞 Inner Summer (Ovulatory Phase): Feel confident and vibrant during this phase of peak fertility. Use this energy for social connections and creativity.
  • 🍁 Inner Fall (Luteal Phase): A period for reflection and letting go. Focus on decluttering—both mentally and physically—and prepare for the restful winter ahead.

Simple Practices to Align with Your Cycle

A wellness journal and cup of tea, symbolizing mindful practices to connect with your menstrual cycle.

Tuning into your body’s natural rhythm doesn’t have to be complicated. Try these practices:

  • 😴 Guilt-free Rest: As you approach your inner winter aka menstrual phase rest is essential as your body is working overtime. So, put your social calendar on pause and get out your comfy pj's and enjoy some "me-time".
  • 📆 Cycle Tracking: Use a journal or app to note physical and emotional changes throughout your cycle. Awareness is the first step to connection.
  • 🍲 Nourishment: Adapt your diet to support each phase, like iron-rich foods during menstruation or fresh, light meals in your inner spring.
  • 💃🏾 Movement: Embrace restorative yoga in inner winter, energizing workouts or dance parties in inner spring and summer, and grounding stretches in inner fall.

Soothe and Celebrate with Hooyo


Stress is a common symptom due to the fluctuation of hormones, it can disrupt our abilities to go with the flow of our menstrual cycle, making it even more important to prioritize self-care.

Living with PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) has showed that feeling balanced and grounded before the arrival of my period is not solely a nice to have but is a must! Leading me to see the importance of retreating into my inner world, embracing rest (without guilt) and allowing myself the grace and space to ride the uncertainty of the emotional rollercoaster that our hormones can bring.

I created Hooyo, a soothing body oil, formulated with organic essential oils and CBD, as a perfect companion for embracing the changing inner seasons.

For example, during your luteal or menstrual phases, massage Hooyo onto your abdomen to ease tension and connect with your body. Its botanical properties provide a grounding, nurturing touch via the magic of aromatherapy—adapting based on the needs of our body.

Let's say goodbye to the shame

Your menstrual cycle is more than just a biological process that we should be ashamed of—it’s a powerful guide to your physical and emotional well-being. By understanding and honoring its phases, we can create harmony within ourselves and our life. 

Follow us on TikTok  or Instagram for more holistic wellness tips and discover how Hooyo can support you on your journey to a more balanced life within the chaos of life.

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